About Us

The Muslim Center of Conway Association was founded in 1996 by international students of the local University of Central Arkansas, to provide the facilities and environment to Muslims to perform congregational prayers.

In 1997, by the Grace of Allah Subhanahu Watala with a membership of few students, we purchased that small house built in 1933 and converted it into our place of worship.

The Muslim population has grown steadily over the pasted  years and we have Alhamdullah established many programs, such as:

ü  Five times daily Salat

ü  Regular Jumma Salat

ü  Tarawi Salat and Iftar  during the month of Ramadan

Over the past few years, we have seen a steady growth in our community.

We are no longer a small group of international students.

We have grown beyond to a multinational Islamic community of students and expatriates  from different part of the globe.

Muslim Center of Conway
Muslim Center of Conway